The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017

Transportation Survey

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    Thank you for taking the time to provide us your strategic direction on the Governor and legislative leader’s transportation funding proposal. To complete the brief survey simply enter your name and email address and then indicated your position on this issue.

  • The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017

    Last week the Governor, the Speaker of the Assembly, and the President pro Tem of the Senate announced an agreement on a joint transportation funding package to be considered by the Legislature. “The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017” will be inserted into SB 1 by Senator Jim Beall. The bill will provide for about $52 billion over 10 years, approximately two-thirds of which will be dedicated to fixing roads and bridges at the state and local levels. Nearly $9 billion will be available for transit expansion and operations, including intercity and commuter rail. Another nearly $9 billion will be committed to multi-modal capacity improvements in congested corridors. The package will be funded primarily through an increase in the gas tax and a new vehicle-based fee, including a graduated fee based on vehicle value and a flat fee for zero emission vehicles.

    A proposed constitutional amendment to ensure that the new transportation revenues will only be spent on transportation projects will be included in a companion bill. If enacted, the constitutional amendment will go on the November, 2018 statewide ballot for approval by the voters.

    Below are links to the bill summary and to our analysis of what has been proposed which includes staff’s recommendation on a position and a review of the proposal through the lens of our adopted decision-making principles.

    Bill Summary

    Bill Analysis

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