News & Updates - State’s economy no longer glistens

State’s economy no longer glistens

By Kirk Clark, The Sacramento Bee, December 15, 2015

Re “State’s economy is doing well” Viewpoints, Dec. 14): The op-ed by F. Noel Perry and Christopher Thornberg paints an overly rosy picture of California’s business climate.

If as the authors’ state, California is so business friendly, why are companies like Tesla, Hyperloop Technologies and Faraday Futures – California-based companies – choosing to locate thousands of manufacturing jobs just across the border in Nevada?

Perry’s own company, LeapFrog Enterprises, outsources its manufacturing to China. According to data reported by the Center for Jobs and the Economy, the average annual wages for people employed in the manufacturing sector in California is more than $80,000.

We should be doing all that we can in California to grow manufacturing jobs and the middle-class economy that goes with them. Simply pointing to the fact that the most populous state in the nation has created more jobs than any other state without looking at the types of jobs we are creating will do nothing to address the two-tiered economy that exists in California.
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