News & Updates - California Business Roundtable Statement Following Announced Pension Reform Compromise

Sacramento, CA — The California Business Roundtable issued the following statement today regarding the pension reform compromise announcement today by Governor Jerry Brown:

“The California Business Roundtable commends the Governor for his unwavering commitment to address critically needed pension reform in California, said Rob Lapsley, President of the Business Roundtable. It is clear that this proposal, particularly those reforms aimed at ending some of the past abusive practices, are badly needed.”

“But we believe these reforms are just the beginning,” said Lapsley. “The other major reforms we need to help solve the state’s fiscal crisis will have to be done through the initiative process. The Roundtable and the business community stand ready to work with the Governor and others to make this happen.”

“A comprehensive solution to this problem is the only responsible way to help save jobs today and secure essential benefits for future public employees who provide critical services for all Californians,” Lapsley added.

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