• Statewide Business Community Launches PSA To Encourage Vaccinations

    STATEWIDE BUSINESS COMMUNITY LAUNCHES PSA TO ENCOURAGE VACCINATIONS “Do It For” PSA launches as state expands vaccine eligibility to all residents 16 and older SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The unified California business community today released a new  public service announcement (PSA), “Do It For,” which will air statewide on TV, radio and social media, reaching millions

  • California’s Five-Year Infrastructure Plan 2017

    The California Infrastructure Planning Act requires the Governor to submit a five-year
    infrastructure plan to the Legislature for consideration with the annual budget bill.
    The 2017 Five-Year Infrastructure Plan (Plan) reflects the Governor’s proposal for investing
    $43 billion in state infrastructure over the next five years.

  • California’s Five-Year Infrastructure Plan 2014

    Since 1999, the California Infrastructure Planning Act has required the Governor to submit to the Legislature a five-year infrastructure plan for consideration with the annual budget bill.This document presents the Governor’s proposed plan for investing $56.7 billion in state infrastructure over the next five years.

    Like most states in the nation, the fiscal challenges created by the Great Recession resulted in California deferring many infrastructure and maintenance investments.Consequently, an infrastructure plan has not been released since 2008.Prior plans often lacked prioritization and included hundreds of projects that departments identified as needed, but did not identify funding to pay for them.In addition, prior plans failed to discuss the costs to maintain state assets as well as the backlog of deferred maintenance.The 2014 Plan aims to correct these shortcomings and make the document more relevant.Future plans will continue this work.

  • Roundtable Mission

    Former Roundtable Chairman, Jerry J. Carnahan, President and CEO Farmers Life Insurance on the mission of the California Business Roundtable.  

  • California Business Roundtable Votes to Oppose CFT/Courage Campaign and Munger Tax Initiatives

    At their spring Board meeting on Thursday, March 8, the California Business Roundtable voted to oppose the following statewide initiatives currently circulating for the November ballot.

    “We recognize the Governor’s leadership to address the state budget crisis and as business leaders we are working to pass the economic reforms that will help get California back on track through increased private sector investment which will create more jobs and ultimately increase revenues to the state,” said Jerry Carnahan, Chairman of the Roundtable.

  • Restricting Independent Contracting Will Slow Economic Growth In California, Add Unemployment, Study Finds

    If government agencies restrict independent contracting in California the results will slow economic growth and add to the state’s unemployment rate, according to a new analysis by economic policy expert and former California chief economist, Philip J. Romero.

  • Analyst puts California’s deficit at nearly $13 billion

    As discussed with the Executive Committee on Monday the fiscal outlook in Sacramento continues to worsen making the potential for mid-year trigger cuts very much a reality.


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